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8 questions with Sarah at Charlotte Designs

Showcasing like-minded business owners who love gemstones and appreciate great design!

Here’s Sarah from charlottedesigns.co.uk

Tell me a little about your business and what its purpose is

Charlotte Designs was created 15 years ago, initially to work on the interior design for children’s spaces. My children were quite young at the time and it took a while for me to find both the time and energy to really give it focus, but in 2009 I dropped interior design and concentrated on murals only, which till that point, had been one element of my offering.

Since then, I have never looked back and have taken my work the length and breadth of the country working for the likes of Force India Formula One, NHS, Kuehne and Nagel, Epson, David Lloyd, Gleneagles Hotel and even royalty!

My purpose is to transform, making the ordinary, extraordinary. My clients, whether commercial or domestic, do not feel at home with mediocrity and want to inject life, personality and interest into their business or home, I love to take the seemingly crazy ideas that my clients have and turn them into reality.

Where did your passion for your business come from?

I worked as an interior designer in the 1980s and one of my clients wanted a mural in his home, I found two artists who completed the project for me and was completely mesmerised by them. I knew then I wanted to do the same one day. Then once I had children of my own, I saw how their environment had a real effect on them and became interested in how large scale art work was a big part of that.

Since then, I have seen how everyone, young and old, feels love for murals, they make them smile, they are memorable and make people feel good and forget their worries. Which is why they are so powerful in the leisure and hospitality areas.

How have you adapted your business to the current climate?

Very little to be honest. We have a Covid-19 working arrangements document, which outlines both our responsibilities and those of our clients, to keep all parties safe and we carry on as usual. Clients have been brilliant, and we have experienced no issues with working at a safe distance, well, having said that, the exception is a small child who was so delighted with his mural, he came running out and gave me a huge hug, refusing to let go. It was very difficult not to hug him back!

What top three tips would you give to someone looking to start their own business right now?

  1. Be clear in your own mind what effect your business will have on your clients, not the same as what you do. If you can’t work this out and communicate it clearly, you will struggle to sell it to others

  2. However much you love what you do, and I really love what I do, take some time out. It is tempting to work all hours, especially in the early days, and whilst that is fine in short bursts, you need to make sure you leave time for you, otherwise you will burn out and be no good to anyone.

  3. Trust your gut instinct, if a project feels wrong, a customer makes you feel uncomfortable, walk away. That is the number one benefit to working for yourself, you get to work on what you want, most of the time.

Do you have a favourite beauty product/find?

Not really, I am very low maintenance. I am never seen out without mascara, due to the fact I have short, blond, thin lashes. The only thing I am obsessive about is moisturising and sun cream. I moisturise everything, every day and wear SPF 25+ on my face every day. I love O’Keefe’s moisturisers and Lush Handy Garugu hand cream.

What’s your secret recipe, ingredient or tipple?

I am a baker so my secret recipes are lemon cake, chocolate cake and I make a mean muffin. My favourite tipple, other than water which I drink a lot of, is red wine. I love Chateau neuf du pape, St. Emillion or a good Malbec.

How would you describe your style?

Lazy! I used to be so clothes conscious, but I just can’t be bothered these days. I live and die in Levis. Smart Levis for going out, painty Levis for work and a whole range in between. I do have a thing for jackets and coats, and have a lot! They are great for dressing up my jeans if I have a meeting and great for dealing with the great British summer!

What kind of jewellery do you wear? Do you have a jewellery wish list?

Again, I have got a little lazy with my jewellery too. I used to wear big, unusual costume jewellery, I was famous for it and had a huge collection. These days, I wear the same earrings day to day for a while, then move to another pair, I do the same with bracelets and necklaces too. I still love bold jewellery, unusual stones etc.

A solitaire diamond is not interesting to me, my engagement ring is an emerald and my eternity ring a citrine, peridot and amethyst.

For my 50th, my husband bought me a ring from an artist I have known for years, her jewellery is in Harry Potter films and Game of Thrones, I commissioned and designed a special piece with a large Australian boulder opal. It is one of my most prized possessions.

I have been keeping an eye on Jade’s jewellery designs and have my 25th wedding anniversary in a couple of years, which I think we need marking with some kind of bling!

I still love my jewellery, but when you are throwing paint around for a living, wearing expensive pieces just isn’t practical.

Thanks Sarah, fascinating to learn about the emotional impact of large scale artwork! Also, as a fellow Jeans lover, they really are easy to dress up or down! Thanks for thinking of me in regards to your Silver wedding Anniversary. Do let me know if you have a (another) dream gemstone you would like to own and wear!

Sarah and I will be live on instagram on Tuesday 8th September at 7pm BST to discuss her work, I hope you can join us!

Sarah Hodgkins, Owner and Artist Charlotte Designs

Facebook : Charlotte Designs Mural Artist

Pinterest: Muralsbysarah

Twitter: Muralsbysarah

Instagram: Muralsbysarah

Linkedin: Sarah Hodgkins