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8 questions with Nikki Ramskill, The Female Money Doctor

Showcasing like-minded business owners who love gemstones and appreciate great design!

Tell me a little about your business and what its purpose is

I run an online money coaching business to help support women to feel calm, confident and in control of their finances. All too often, we put our head in the sand when it comes to financial matters because we're scared of what we'll find. I used to be in this place too, and since digging my way out of a rather large debt hole, I had a desire to help others do the same and feel empowered around money.

Where did your passion for your business come from?

When I started training as a GP after a year out of medical work, I was shocked to see the impact money was having on their lives. It made me realise that money and health are deeply intertwined, and this is what drives me to build my business. No one should ever feel stress and worried about money.

How have you adapted your business to the current climate?

I run my business online anyway, so it hasn't needed to change thankfully! I think money coaching is needed more than ever now though given everything that has happened in the last 12 months.

What top three tips would you give to someone looking to start their own business right now?

  1. It takes time to build a business, so commit to it for the long term - one of my mentors told me that some people are on her lists for 5 years before they buy anything! I still have another 18 months to go in that case for some people in my community!

  2. Business is hard work, but you do need to make sure you're getting downtime. It's so tempting to work all the time, but this won't make you a better business owner. You can't help anyone if you're burnt out, so make sure you rest.

  3. Ask for help and be prepared to pay for it. Yes we can piece together information for free, but in my experience, this has led me to feel more overwhelmed and confused. So I paid for a coach 1:1 and I have never looked back. It has made such a difference to my business!

Do you have a favourite beauty product/find?

I absolutely love Liz Earle products, and have used the hot cloth cleaners since I was 16 (I'm 35 now!). I also love Bobbi Brown liquid eyeliner to give me a long-lasting signature flick!

What’s your secret recipe, ingredient or tipple?

I love baking, and adore Nigella Lawson recipes. She has a coconut cake made with coconut butter-cream icing and malibu-based drizzle on top. It's amazing, and even better when adapted into cupcakes (worth the calories!!).

How would you describe your style?

I keep my style quite simple. I like block colours. Recently I've experimented with brightly coloured and statement jewellery and dresses by a brand called popsy. The dresses are in flattering shapes and have pockets, plus they bring out all sorts of cute patterns. I had a slight addiction at one point!!

What kind of jewellery do you wear? Do you have a jewellery wish list?

Before my recent experimentation, I stuck to simple silver jewellery. But I'm discovering the joys of etsy and local jewellery makers, and have a new obsession with statement pieces - rings and necklaces in particular. I need to look at revamping my earring collection next, so that will be what I'll be scoping out over Christmas!

Thanks Nikki, I must take a look at Popsy clothing! And for anyone who hasn’t tried it, check out Nikki’s questionnaire to work out your Unique Money Personality! - Turns out I’m a Maverick!

Nikki Ramskill