6 questions with Emma Louise – The Content Expert

Showcasing like-minded business owners who love gemstones and appreciate great design!


Here’s Emma Louise – The Content Expert

Tell me a little about your business and what its purpose is

I’m Emma Louise – The Content Expert and I’m a copywriter and content trainer with a niche in real-life storytelling. I work with other small business owners to help them stand out from the crowd by showcasing the human being behind the brand through their content marketing.

Many business owners are time poor, and some have no desire to write at all, so that’s where I step in with my copywriting hat on. I will tell their story for them, but not before asking a lot of questions to really make sure I understand the person I’m writing for. The most important part here is getting the tone right as I always tell the story in their voice. 

My other business hat is training people to tell their own story as fundamentally, who knows you best? You do! I work face to face in workshops and also have an online version of the course which gives people a system to come up with a content strategy that’s unique, relevant, but most importantly human.

Where did your passion for your business come from?

I’ve always loved writing from as far back as I remember. I was the little girl sat in the corner with felt tips and a pad, making up stories that would definitely be a number one bestsellers one day (still working on that one!) 

Being a writer in the corporate world is quite constraining. You’re bound by guidelines, policies and regulations and all content is approved by committee, making the original piece often unrecognisable. That’s why I went out alone – I wanted to write with much less restriction and speak as an individual rather than a faceless big brand. 

How have you adapted your business to the current climate?

If I’m honest, the current climate hasn’t really changed how I work too much. There’s always been a large element of remote and online working, so really that’s just been switched up a notch. I do miss the face to face interaction with clients, but for now, Zoom is keeping us connected.

There are actually many positives that have come about too, like virtual networking. I’m finding I can travel the length and breadth of the UK to spread the word about what I do even further. I’m very much embracing the opportunities where I can as what else can we do?

What top three tips would you give to someone looking to start their own business right now?

The Content Coach image.jpg

Tip one: I would say take the time to really unpick and understand your own story. Brainstorm every element of who you are and why you do what you do. Then take those brainstorms and come up with a solid content plan that you can follow.

Tip two: Don’t be afraid to show up and shout from the rooftops. So many people say “but I don’t have a story” or “no one will be interested in what I’ve got to say”. That’s just an excuse and in my experience, is coming from a place of fear.

Tip three: Be consistent and remain patient. You have to be committed to your business every single day, and however impatient you feel (I’m the world’s most impatient person!) you have to accept that things don’t happen overnight.

What kind of jewellery do you wear?

I’m a fan of simplicity and something that’s timeless. My favourite piece of jewellery is my engagement ring because it’s a classic diamond. I can’t help but love a diamond!

Where I add colour is with my earrings. I have 7 piercings in my ear and love to wear 7 individual earrings. It gets expensive of course but I guess that’s just where I like to be a little different.

Do you have a jewellery wish list? Perhaps a board on Pinterest?! 

I’m really drawn to black stones and one day would love to own a black diamond. I think it goes back to the simplicity thing again – what’s simpler than a black and white diamond?

… Thanks Emma Louise!

On the subject of black diamonds, here’s a necklace I made for a friend a few years ago. It features rough back diamonds - they are
seriously sparkly! I’ve got some here, so I’ll show you next time I see you.

Jade Thomas

Hi, I'm Jade, Brand Maven (Yes, that is my official title.) at Eau Rouge ltd. I help small businesses clarify how they want their ideal clients to feel. Then, using colour psychology and over 25 years branding experience, I blend these feelings into a cohesive, beautiful and unique brand that will send exactly the right visual vibes to their ideal clients! I then build the most gorgeous and easy to use Squarespace websites for my clients, just like this one! Oh and my side-hustle is jewellery design - check out @jadethomasjewellery on socials!


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